Parramatta Holroyd Lapidary Club
73 Fullagar Rd
Events at this location
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Due to several unexpected circumstances, with people normally involved in running Meetings not being able to be there, the advertised program for February will be
Event Details
Due to several unexpected circumstances, with people normally involved in running Meetings not being able to be there, the advertised program for February will be rescheduled to another Friday in the next few months. It is proposed that the February meeting will still go ahead, but will be a simple, unstructured evening where those that can attend can chat, (which everyone seems to be rather good at), over the normal selection of nibbles and refreshments. Bring along your latest acquisitions for a casual Show and Tell, tell tall stories about sites visited recently or in the past, and if you want to buy, swap or sell a specimen or two, that will be the ideal time. More of the Godwin collection will be available as well. There will be no Zoom facilities for the February meeting. We are sorry about this change of plan, but hope that those that can attend will be able to relax around a table and have a fun evening. We will return to normal programming in March.
(Friday) 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm GMT+10
Event Details
Dayna McGeeney will deliver a lecture on ‘Rare and Unusual Gemstones in the Australian Museum Collection’. There will also be a talk to be given
Event Details
Dayna McGeeney will deliver a lecture on ‘Rare and Unusual Gemstones in the Australian Museum Collection’. There will also be a talk to be given by Graham Ogle on:- ‘Minerals from Deposits in the Otto Mountains in California’.
(Friday) 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm GMT+10
Event Details
Program not yet finalized but may include a lecture on Wulfenite and the second part of David Colchester’s ‘Introduction to
Event Details
Program not yet finalized but may include a lecture on Wulfenite and the second part of David Colchester’s ‘Introduction to Crystallography – Part 2’
(Friday) 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm GMT+10
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