
Join the Society and support our ongoing work

Society Membership Fees​


(Sydney metropolitan area)


(Country or interstate)


(under 18 or valid student ID)

Society membership fees are due from January 1st each year.

Subscription renewal and application forms are available from the Secretary or Treasurer at any Meeting, and are also available by e-mail.

New members joining from May 1st in any year are deemed to be members for the current and whole of the following year.

Members are asked to provide an e-mail address so that newsletters and notices can be delivered electronically.

Payment of Membership Fees

Members may pay their membership by direct credit / bank transfer (preferred), or by cheque posted to the address below or by cash to the Treasurer or Secretary at any General Meeting. 

The account details are:

Account Name: Mineralogical Society of NSW Inc.

Bank: Commonwealth Bank of Australia

BSB: 062016

Account number: 28023647

Reference: Please put your name as the reference when making a direct credit / bank transfer so that the Society can identify who the payment is from.

If your contact details change:

You should provide those details on a renewal form and return it to the Secretary or Treasurer as follows:

1) at the next General Meeting, or

2) by e-mail to quartzandsirius (at), or

3) by post to: The Treasurer Mineralogical Society of New South Wales 
Inc c/o 58 Amazon Road; Seven Hills; NSW 2147.