Joint Mineralogical Societies of Australasia
October Long Weekend Virtual Seminar

3 & 4 October, 2020

Due to the current restrictions and unknown on-going situation with COVID-19, the 43rd Joint Mineralogical Societies of Australasia Seminar, “43 Shades of Silver”, originally planned for Sydney on October 3-5, 2020, has unfortunately been postponed to the October Long Weekend in 2021.

However, in its stead, the Mineralogical Society of  NSW invites you to a virtual mineralogical seminar on the Zoom platform to be run over two half days, October 3 and 4. MinSoc NSW has been running its general and committee meetings on this platform for some time, which has allowed remote members to attend and participate. Zoom is interactive in real time, so you can ask questions and even chat after each session. All you need is a WiFi or Internet connection and a computer or laptop with camera and microphone. At a pinch, you can also use a smart phone.

This virtual seminar will have an open mineralogical theme, with speakers from  each state and NZ invited to present topics of their choice. They would be 20 or 25 minute PowerPoint presentations, to which the presenter can talk. Each day there will be approximately 6 talks on mineralogy, mineral collecting and related fields, with some time for questions, as well as breaks for tea and lunch (unfortunately, you will need to supply your own). At this stage we do not have a list of talks, but watch this space as talks are finalised. We envisage a starting time of 10 or 11am Eastern Standard Time, to make allowances for NZ and WA time differences.

So, for this year at least, no expensive travel and accommodation costs, just sit back in the comfort of your own home (wherever you are) and enjoy.

For those not familiar with Zoom by the time the seminar comes around, we can offer a brief training session to enable you to join in the fun.

For more information contact:

The Secretary, MinSoc NSW, Email: bglaking (at), or

Dieter Mylius, Email: dieterm (at)